Disability / Health Concern
Our 'Disability / Health Concern' category of stories explores the challenges voters with disabilities and health-related concerns face when casting their votes. These interviews are a testament to the resilience and determination of individuals striving for equal participation in the electoral process.
It's a surprising fact to most of us that approximately 1 in 6 Americans experience disability. How that affects their voting process can be very profound. We examine the obstacles they might face when exercising their right to vote privately and independently. Included are stories that explore the complexities of voting from congregate settings, such as nursing homes, state hospitals, and developmental centers.
We address voting with an emergency ballot if one is hospitalized right before an election as well as a wide spectrum of disability-related voting issues. Each interview highlights the deep commitment of these voters to strengthening an inclusive and accessible democracy for all.
Can I Vote with a Secret Ballot if I Need Assistance?

Steven McCoy
Steven McCoy was reluctant to vote as his vision and hearing impairment progressed. He didn't want poll workers to draw attention to his disability or have someone looking over his shoulder as he voted. Steven will not let his disability stand between him and the ballot box any longer now that he knows his rights and options for voting.
Accessible Ballot Marking Devices and the Assistant of Your Choice
There are situations when people with disabilities appreciate a little assistance, as well as circumstances when they would prefer to decline assistance. A key factor is that the person with a disability should have agency in this decision. How do differently abled voters navigate getting some type of help while safeguarding their right to not have anyone know for whom they voted?
Can you vote with a secret ballot if you need assistance? Yes, you are eligible to keep your vote private using the assistant of your choice and an accessible ballot marking device if you have a disability.
Meet Steven McCoy: A Deaf-Blind Voting Champion
Steven McCoy is a charismatic media entrepreneur who founded Spoken Entertainment and the podcast Sessions with Steven. His unprecedented and pioneering work has been recognized and celebrated by many, including his congressman who awarded Steven with a Challenge Coin designating Steven as the World's First Deaf-Blind Black Journalist. Steven recently founded the non-profit Spoken Heroes to spread his inspiring message of resilience and optimism.
Steven McCoy joins U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) for a heartfelt conversation which is also available on video. In our discussion, Steven explains his previous reluctance to vote and we discuss accessible options he could use to cast his ballot. Steven examines the US Vote Foundation Resource for Voters with Disabilities and selects his top three takeaways from the guide.
Would you like to start by telling us a little bit about your background and how you came to be someone who had a concern about voting to an actual US Vote Voting Champion?
Steven McCoy
Yes, definitely. I have Usher Syndrome, a retinal eye disease that causes blindness and hearing loss. Throughout the years, in the household that I grew up in, everyone was very adamant about voicing your vote. That was always very important to me. As time went by, it got a little bit harder because my vision started to decrease. My hearing started to decrease. And when going to the voting polls, it became a lot harder.
People who were working the polls didn’t necessarily know how to - I don’t think they were properly trained on how to handle accessible voting. Even just yelling out loud: This guy, he can’t see! You know, those sorts of things. In those moments when you’re voting, there’s already so many emotions behind voicing your vote. But you also just want to remain very low key and very private when going to the polls. It just became a bit difficult.
Last year, it was time for me to vote. This was the first time ever that I skipped out on voting due to that experience of them not knowing how to handle me not feeling comfortable enough and me feeling that I might have been an inconvenience to others that were working the polls. So I said last year I’m not going to - I’m going to skip out on the vote - and I felt terrible about it. Terrible.
I tried to ignore it. And I realized that it’s a mistake. Or I should say that was a decision I made that I would not be able to take back. So that’s why I’m really glad to be here today to be able to say, you know what - no more! There are so many different opportunities for us to be able to vote. So many different avenues. I had no idea.
Learning here from you all of the resources that are available for those that have a disability - I’m really glad to be here and be able to have the opportunity. Moving forward, I know that I’ll always be able to vote. Hopefully this will inspire other people to also get to those polls and amplify their voices.
Yes, and I think Steven, you can really relate to people with disabilities who aren’t voting. Six percent is the gap between people with disabilities and people without in terms of their turnout to vote. We want to close that gap at US Vote working with you. I know you never want to be in that situation again. You can relate to that six percent gap of people who aren’t voting because you just weren’t sure.
One of things that I really love that you brought out just now is, first of all, that every person should know that they have the right to private and independent vote. No one is supposed to know who you voted for. US Vote can help you connect with resources to make sure you can exercise that right.
I think also one of the things that I really connected to that you said is that you might want assistance when you get to the polls - but even more likely you may not want assistance - knowing that you have the right to refuse assistance from somebody else. And sometimes the assistance that a person might need is just access to information that you can get through US Vote.
Steven McCoy
Yeah, absolutely.
If you were to go on our US Vote Foundation website, we have a resource guide for voters with disabilities. It’s state by state. Every single state is covered. It addresses a lot of questions that people might have about the polls.
For example, if you were going to vote in New Jersey where you’re from, what would be your likely method? Would you want to vote in person or by absentee ballot?
Steven McCoy
I would say in person. That’s the way that I’ve always done it. I want to continue to do that. But then, you know, things change and I often think about safety with the people that are working the polls. Once again, I’m just not sure if they’re fully trained. I have friends that are mobility challenged and have wheelchairs. They are feeling absolutely unsafe to get to the polls and not sure if people would give them the proper treatment. They, too, have skipped out on voting.
So, yes, I think I’m kind of torn between the two. But I’m open to both. Just as long as my vote counts.
Steven McCoy
I still like the feeling of going out to vote. But then it obviously scares me enough where I skipped out on it. With these resources, I know I’ll be able to most certainly take advantage of and allow a smoother process and a more safe process.
I didn’t like the fact that there was somebody that was standing there while I was voting. And also pointing to the candidate. It made me feel that they were kind of telling me who to vote for as well.
That’s why I love that US Vote will be able to help us exercise the right to keep that privacy.
All the poll workers are trained on the equipment, which is great to know. I think that a lot of people don’t know that. But, you know, sometimes a person might forget their training.
Or you get there and - first of all - if you’re mobility challenged, just navigating getting into the building. Right? Or if you’re visually impaired, also navigating through the maze to the vote. And let’s say you get there and that machine is still in the box. And you’re like ugh!
Steven McCoy
That's really frustrating.
Steven McCoy
Yeah, yeah.
One of things we can show you through the US Vote Resource for Voters with Disabilities is how to practice using the machine before you go. So for instance, in New Jersey, there are two different companies they use that make these touch screens. You can change the font.
Steven McCoy
Yeah, you can change the contrast. There are even keys that have Braille on them. And you can plug in and have a screen reader with headphones which I think is critically important.
Steven McCoy
Oh, great, yeah!
So it’s not reading out: “You just selected…”
Steven McCoy
[laughter] We don’t want that!
Steven McCoy
We sometimes use our audio devices on our phones. It might give away your privacy and your right to keep your vote private. So, ok, I love that! I love that we would have the opportunity to also have on headphones if need be. So that’s great.
Yeah, really important. Also knowing it’s your right.
When you get there, you know, the poll workers are our heroes - they’ve gotten so much push back recently - they have good intentions. Sometimes they maybe don’t have the know-how, or they can’t relate, or they’re a little rusty. But you going there knowing what your rights are as a voter, to be able to say: No thanks, I actually don’t want to have a seat. Or yes, I would like an assistant. If you want an assistant, you also have the right to pick the assistant of your choice.
Steven McCoy
Oh, ok!
As long as it’s not a candidate or there’s a couple different laws for each state. So even that’s in the US Vote Guide to show you who you can use as a personal assistant.
Knowing that, let’s say you were standing there and you felt that someone was a little too close by or you were concerned that they could hear for some reason, you can confidently let them know that you’re aware of what your rights are. Maybe they need that refresher.
Steven McCoy
I’ll be honest. I don’t think I knew what my rights were.
How would you know, right?
That’s the reason - that’s what we want to combat to make sure your voice is heard. If you know what your rights are and you’re familiar with the process before you get there, that’s huge.
Steven McCoy
Absolutely. It’s totally a game changer. I feel if had I known I would have the access to do that, I might have been able to calm my nerves to get up and leave my home and vote. There’s not enough messages out there.
That's what you're here for!
Steven McCoy
Well, yay!
Steven McCoy
It is important. I’m glad to be here and to be in collaboration with you guys because this is something that’s near and dear to my heart.
I was completely embarrassed about telling this story. Voting, again, history, all of that has been something that I have grown up with. This is something within my household that we always had; we always spoke about voting. So I couldn’t wait until I was finally the legal age to vote. I never thought that I would ever miss out on a vote. But due to my disability, and the fear that comes around that, and the lack of knowledge, I did. Now I have the knowledge to be able to continue to voice my vote. And amplify my voice through those votes.
Of course we want to be able to have everyone have the opportunity to vote. That’s the thing - some people who have disabilities - not even some - more than some - we don’t see any accessibility even on a website. So what do we do? We just ignore it because it’s already a lot that you have to deal with on an everyday basis. Just to be able to now know that there is a safe space for us and also an opportunity for us to be able to have accessible knowledge, accessible websites that inform us of how to vote, what to ask for. That’s really, that’s brilliant.
How great!
Let’s say also, instead of voting in person, you might have some people who would prefer to vote with an absentee ballot. You can actually use US Vote to request an accessible ballot. We have links at US Vote Foundation.
In New Jersey, you can request an accessible ballot to vote from. That will help you be able to vote from the comfort of your own home, on your own time, not dealing with other people around. You can do that.
One catch with that is in New Jersey you still need to print that ballot. And sign it. You might need help returning it. That’s three more barriers that people with disabilities can face. That’s the case in your state.
But there are some states that have electronic ballot return. If you go onto US Vote Foundation’s website, people can see, based on their state, what their options are for ballot return. That’s another thing to consider.
Steven McCoy
I would love to show you what these resources are. We can show our listeners and viewers what these resources are. What do you think?
Steven McCoy
I would love that.
[New setting in front of computer after re-introductions - speaking to viewers/listeners] The first thing Steven is going to notice is going to be down in the right hand corner, there’s a blue circle with a person in it, the accessibility tool.
You’re going to be able to access things like a screen reader. You can control the contrast. You can make bigger text or change the spacing, hide images even. There are lots of different things you can use on there. What are you most likely to use when you come on this kind of website?
Steven McCoy
I definitely like to have the font be just a little bit bigger. Sometimes if something is too wordy, I like to go ahead and do the screen reader, which is something I recently just started doing more of. It helps out a lot. Sometimes as deaf-blind individuals, or even just deaf or blind or whatever it is, it can be a bit overwhelming for the eyes. So I think these are incredible features here.
Yes, I think that can be helpful to get in in the first place.
Steven McCoy
For sure. Why did I not know about this? [laughter] This is great.
Not all websites have them. You have to look and see if it’s on there. And sometimes people are going to have their own screen reading technology on their computer, but it’s super helpful when it’s on the website.
Steven McCoy
Oh, so helpful, yes.
When you go on the website…you can click on any state at all. We’re going to go over to New Jersey and we’re just going to identify what the main topics are that you would find for any state in this guide.
I’ll just let you know there are seven of them on here. We’ve got your rights as one of them, what the rules of assistance are, how absentee ballots can be made accessible if you have a print disability, what kind of accommodations you can expect if you vote in person, how to prepare to use the equipment ahead of time. And also, really importantly, if you have a problem related to your disability while voting, who is your go-to person. And finally just some more resources that can help you if there are problems.
What I wanted to ask you, Steven, is if you were a first time voter, someone who had the same experience you had last time. You really cherish your right to vote, you were reluctant to vote, and this time you were like I’m not missing out on 2024. So you want to get out there armed with information ahead of time…Where would you start on this? What would be most useful for our listeners and viewers to go onto on this website?
Steven McCoy
I think I would ask about the accommodations for voting in person. That’s what I would have asked for had I known.
So you find out, specifically, what kind of equipment do they have. And also do they have curbside voting? Some states had it in 2020 and then they took it away.
Steven McCoy
Yes, I remember when that happened.
So let’s click on that one. We won’t go through all of these. We’ll look at that then have you go through these off screen.
Accommodations…New Jersey…It goes into the minimum compliance standards that you have by federal law.
It gets into if you have an issue standing in line if you have a mobility issue. You can ask to be moved to the front of the line. You can have your place held. You can get a chair. That type of thing.
And notice also, I think this is most important in your situation - you do get to have the accessible ballot marking device at all polling places so that you can exercise your guaranteed right to vote privately and independently.
Steven McCoy
That’s great.
[Speaking to viewers/listeners] Steven and I are going to walk through this resource together…and when we get back, Steven is going to let you know his top three takeaways from the US Vote Foundation website. Whether it’s the Resource for Voters with Disabilities or some of our other voting tools so that you make sure you do not miss out on voting in 2024.
Steven McCoy
[Returning from break after reintroduction] My top three things as a Voting Champion are logging onto usvotefoundation.org and finding that there are accommodations there for me to be able to use while voting and voicing and amplifying my voice.
If those accommodations are not at the ballot location, I have a number that’s provided on the website that will link me to attorneys that would take care of that.
And also I get to have someone that can come with me of my choice to assist me to make my vote count. Those are my top three things.
Voters with print disabilities could benefit from creating a Voter Account at US Vote Foundation. Voter Accounts securely store the information you provide to assist you in generating voting forms such as voter registration or absentee ballot requests. You can also sign up to get reminders of election dates and deadlines.
Featured Voting Resources
- My state's guide for voters with disabilities
- Create my Voter Account
- Look up my sample ballot
- Check my options for returning my ballot
- Find my polling place
- Contact my voting official's office
- Get help from the National Disability Rights Network, a US Vote Partner
- Register to vote
- Check to see if I'm registered to vote
- Request my absentee ballot